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The 50th APEC e-Learning Training(AeLT) Program 191
เนื้อหาAPEC Collaborative Education (IACE)
Since the establishment of APEC in 1989, 21 member economies have
been exploring diverse ways to achieve APEC’s vision of promoting regional
trade and economic integration through international education cooperation.
With this background, the Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE)
was established in 2002 to support mutual prosperity and bridging the
knowledge and information gap between APEC member economies.
With the Korean Ministry of Education, as well as 17 metropolitan and
provincial offices of education in Korea, IACE implements diverse international
educational projects and official development assistance (ODA) projects to
innovate, aspire, cooperate and excel global education sector.
IACE is internationally recognized as a professional and leading
organization and invites policymakers, teachers, students and other educational
stakeholders to join its programs. The IACE serves as a reliable partner for
future education and international educational cooperation.
APEC e-Learning Training (AeLT) program is an official APEC project,
which has been approved in the Human Resource Development Working Group
(HRDWG) meeting in 2005. Since its first lunch in 2006, a total of 49th APEC
e-Learning Training Program were successfully carried out with 899 Alumni
(education policymakers) from 12 APEC member economies.
The AeLT provides individual learning sessions, as well as interactive
group sessions. AeLT’s collaborative study sessions are designed as convenient
platform to exchange the best examples and practical ideas on e-learning
policies in the Asia-Pacific region. The AeLT has been a useful and
motivational program for participating education policymakers to acquire
competencies to create sustainable e-learning policies via concrete action plans.
In this connection, the Korean Ministry of Education and the IACE
sincerely welcome all our distinguished 10 delegates from 6 member economies
to the 50th APEC e-Learning Training Program
e-Learning Connectivity in Thailand
e-Learning readiness is an initial part of
e-Learning development. Connectivity is an
indicator of e-Learning readiness which is
crucial to research for effective planning.
The purpose of this study was to investigate
the perception of Reginal University administrators
about the readiness of eLearning
connectivity in Thailand. Issues related to
infrastructure readiness, frequencies of
teacher training, experiences of using the
Internet for education and demand upon
existing resources were examined. The
questionnaire sent via the Internet and
traditional mailing was employed for data
collection. The survey revealed that almost
all schools in Thailand that participated in
this study used Internet for education
The greatest frequency of teaching training
for improving ICT literacy is once per
semester. The Internet Usage and Internet
Readiness of University in Bangkok and other
provinces are not equal. The provincial
schools in Thailand used Internet for
education slightly less than University in